Monday, September 12, 2016

Subject: Christ's Rule - Numbers 21-24

Numbers 24:17 (ESV Strong's)
I see him, but not now;
I behold him, but not near:
a star shall come out of Jacob,
and a scepter shall rise out of Israel;
it shall crush the forehead of Moab
and break down all the sons of Sheth.

Subject:  Christ's Rule

The above verse is found in the final oracle of Balaam, the prophet who was hired by the King of Moab (Balak) to curse Israel.  God would not allow Balaam to curse Israel and, in fact, every time he opened his mouth, rather than cursing the nation, Balaam would bless Israel.   This infuriated Balak, but there was nothing he could do.   In the final oracle Balaam not only blesses the present-day nation, but the above verse goes much father and indicates that this wandering people would eventually be a conquering nation with a king.   It is little doubt the king that is prophesied, for the immediate future, is King David.  But, the ultimate king will be the Messiah.   The last two lines of the verse talk about the universal reign of the Messiah.   Jesus will rule over all men (the "sons of Sheth ... Adam's son).   Mankind does not like to to admit it, but the reign of Jesus over mankind is a truth that believers can rejoice in and have hope in, even though non-believers cringe at the thought.   God established the rule of Christ on the Cross.   Christ already reigns.  Soon, that will come to fruition on the earth.   In Balak's day it must have been as equally mystifying.    The people he wanted cursed would soon reign over him.   Today, the people the government wants to oppress (Christians) will soon have their King reign over them.  

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