Sunday, August 28, 2016

Subject: Eternal Security and Sanctification - 2 Timothy 1-2

2 Timothy 1:12-14 (ESV Strong's)
which is why I suffer as I do. But I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that he is able to guard until that Day what has been entrusted to me. Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you.

Subject:  Eternal Security and Sanctification

How do I know that I am saved?  How do I know that my "performance" in my Christian life, that is highlighted by my constant failings, won't be rejected by God in the end?   Because the above verse tells me that MY performance is not what keeps me saved.  The above passage tells us that Paul's faith was convinced and assured because He knew that what GOD had promised, GOD was able to "guard" my faith.   God gives me the Holy Spirit to "guard" the "good deposit entrusted to you."   We have been given a "deposit" and God is there to guard it and the Holy Spirit is sent to dwell inside us to guard it.  With the God-head guarding my salvation there is nothing or no-one who can disrupt that salvation - including myself.   We have eternal security and our sanctification is enabled by the work of the Holy Spirit in dwelling us.  

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