Thursday, July 7, 2016

Subject: Truth - Proverbs 10

Proverbs 10:18 (NASBStr)
He who conceals hatred has lying lips,
And he who spreads slander is a fool.

Subject:  Truth

We might tend to ask, which is worse? The person who hides that they hate by being false in their friendship or the person who spreads gossip about another?  That Solomon penned this proverb is noteworthy.   He must have noticed that these two culprits play out in most of our lives at one time or another.  We all are going to have times when we experience both poor behaviors.  Perhaps our answer to the above question is determined by our own experiences.   Perhaps we could learned, somehow, to value one over the other.   However, according to Proverbs both he who feigns friendship and he who spreads gossip are both the fool.   Foolishness is in the heart of each of these people.  They reject truth (wisdom) so they are left with hiding it when it would be wise to discuss the hatred and revealing untruth in its place.  Both are full of malice.  Both have their source in foolishness.   Both are equally damaging.  You can pick your poison if you want, but Solomon tells us they are both evil.  Solomon is telling us to operate in truth in ever situation we encounter.   If we have a struggle with another, talk to them about it.  Don't feign friendship when it is not there.  If we have something to say to someone, or about someone, talk to THEM and don't slander them to others.   Truth wins!!   Speak the truth in love.

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