Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Subject: Trustworthiness of God's Word - Psalm 87-89

Psalms 89:34-35 (ESV Strong's)
I will not violate my covenant
or alter the word that went forth from my lips.
Once for all I have sworn by my holiness;
I will not lie to David.

Subject:  Trustworthiness of God's Word

Who's words can you trust without hesitation?   Can you trust a salesman?   Can you trust a politician?   Can you trust teacher?  Can you completely trust your spouse's words?  Can you trust anyone's words ... all the time ... that they are not exaggerating, or bending truth to fit their agenda? Who's words can you trust explicitly simply because they said it?   The answer is in the above text.  In these couple of verses we read that God can be trusted to do what what He said He would do.  God CANNOT lie!!!   That means He can't even stretch the truth!!  He can't rewrite the truth!   He can't bend it to fit His own agenda.   God is the ultimate example of the integrity of character and word.   We don't have to read the Bible and wonder if the word written might come true or not.  It will!!   Later in this Psalm, however, the writer expresses that his circumstances do not mirror what he reads in His promises.   But, that is man's perspective.  We often have difficulty balancing the providence of God (His plan being worked out) and the promises of God (His plan being laid out).  God's working out of His promises through providential means is the quandary all believers face.   But, we can be assured, that the promises WILL be worked out.   We just have to believe and rejoice in them because God cannot lie.

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