Saturday, July 23, 2016

Subject: Illumination of the Scriptures - Luke 23-24

Luke 24:45 (ESV Strong's)
Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures,

Subject:  Illumination of the Scriptures

Many people is the Bible as a great book of historical significance, but don't necessarily see the Bible as the inspired Word of God.   They will even admit that the Bible holds good teaching, but recoil when asked to believe it is the final authority for faith and practice of life.   When told that the Bible trumps all other sources of truth they mock and laugh.   Despite all the physical evidence of God's Word we have to support the authenticity of the book, they treat it as a fairy tale.   The reason for this is found in the above verse.   The disciples had spent three years with Jesus.  They saw all His deeds and works and were, at that very moment, standing before the risen Lord.   Yet, they did not know what the Scriptures said until Jesus opened their minds.  The Illumination of the Scripture is a spiritual act, done by Christ through the Spirit.   We don't simply read the Bible and understand because we have some special schooling or skill-set.   Rather, we see the Scriptures and their meaning when God illuminates them to us through His Spirit.   The world can't see the meaning of the Bible or recognize the authority when they also refuse to disclaim the power of Christ and authority of His Lordship.    Illumination is an act of Christ and we must come to Him in faith to understand His Words.  

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