Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Subject: Power - Psalm 66-68

Psalms 68:34 (ESV Strong's)
Ascribe power to God,
whose majesty is over Israel,
and whose power is in the skies.

Subject:  Worship

The Hebrew word in the above passage for the word translated "ascribe" is the word "Natan.". Natan has several meanings in Scripture, but note what Vine says about here:

(Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary) Natan can be used of “giving” or “ascribing” something to someone, such as “giving” glory and praise to God (Josh. 7:19). Obviously, nothing is passed from men to God; nothing is added to God, since He is perfect. This means, therefore, that a worshiper recognizes and confesses what is already His.

The writer of the Psalm is instructing us in worship.   Specifically David, the writer, is telling us to rejoice in what God is going to do to protect us from our enemies.  As he reaches the end of his song he wants to make sure we are recognizing that power flows from God.   We are to ascribe this power to God.  This is a form of worship.  When we talk about worshipping God this is one of the areas we can worship.   We must agree and recognize that God is the supreme holder of all power.  We give Him glory for this power when we worship Him for His power.

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