Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Subject: God's Guidance and Care

Psalms 77:19 (ESV Strong's)
Your way was through the sea,
your path through the great waters;
yet your footprints were unseen.

Subject:  God's Guidance and Care

"... yet your footprints were unseen."  When God guides us and provides for us and takes care of us, we seldom are physically aware.   God is unseen to us, but He is there.  We do not realize that He is caring us through the seas, He is protecting us from evil, He is sheltering us from storms.  We do not see Him except through the eyes of faith.   He uses human agents (see vs. 20) to lead us, but it is His power and might working through them. By faith we see His hand and His footprints.   The writer of this Psalm realized that although the human eye can't see Him, that does not mean He is not there.   God's presence is with us through all of life's ups and downs.   We can be thankful of this.

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