Saturday, June 18, 2016

Subject: Discipleship - Luke 13-14

Luke 14:33 (ESV Strong's)
So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.

Subject:  Discipleship

The price of discipleship with Christ is one's life!  This is what is being taught in the above verse.   Jesus told the crowds that were "following" him, that if we don't forsake our family, our own lives, we cannot be His disciple.   We, by nature, love ourselves.   By nature we want to comfort ourselves and please ourselves.   Even in Paul's instruction to husbands about how to love their wives, our nature is revealed.  Paul says husbands should love their wives like they love their own bodies, because "no man every hated his own body.".  This why discipleship is so tough.  In Christ we are hidden and we lose our life to talk on His life.   We must deny ourselves and allow Him to live through us.

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