Friday, February 5, 2016

Subject: Security in God - Isaiah 29-33

Isaiah 33:5-6 (ESV Strong's)

The Lord is exalted, for he dwells on high;
he will fill Zion with justice and righteousness,

and he will be the stability of your times,
abundance of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge;
the fear of the Lord is Zion's treasure.

Subject:   Security in God

This portion of Isaiah is about the judgment on God's people for their disobedience, failure to believe and their seeking safety and refuge from someone or something, other than God.   They had sought to go to Egypt to find security from the enemies God was bringing to discipline them, rather than to repent and seek God.  In their time of trouble they turned to earthly and material things for their hope.   Much like we do today.   In our current presidential campaign cycle we have much of this going on.  Believers are turning to the hope of their leaders and their constitution, rather than the trust of God to intervene and give us stability, salvation, wisdom and knowledge.   We are turning to our law, our education, our finances, and the memory of our "past glory" for both guidance and strength.   Yet, it is God who demands our worship and praise.  It is God who should be and will be our security.    He is to be exalted.  He will bring in justice and righteousness.  Yet, we turn to worthless means, like Israel, in our times of trouble.  

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