Sunday, December 20, 2015

Truth #357 - When you mimic - mimic good - 3 John

3 John 1:11 (ESV Strong's)

Beloved, do not imitate evil but imitate good. Whoever does good is from God; whoever does evil has not seen God.

Truth:  When you mimic - mimic good.

We all mimic something or someone.  We see someone wearing a particular outfit, hat, boots, shoes, or jacket and determine that we would also look good in such a look.  Those who produce particular products pay much money for "product placement" in a movie or show.  They know that if others see the look, they will want to mimic that look.   The Greek word for "imitate" in the above passage is were we get our English "mimic."   What the writer is saying is he wants us to mimic good and not evil.   This desire to follow other patterns innate in us.   We were made in the image of God.   Our heart's desire out to be to mimic God.  However, due to our sin nature, we can't mimic God.  Jesus Christ came to not only give us a pattern to mimic but also the power to mimic Him.   The thought here is that we are to mimic Christ.   Those who mimic Christ demonstrate evidence that they are from God.  Those who do not mimic Christ give evidence that they are from the Evil One.   In this short book John is stating that Diotrephes was a man in the church who did not do good.   John is telling them:  "Don't mimic Diotrephes."   John then tells them about a man in the church named Demetrius.   Demetrius was doing good in the church.  John is saying, "Mimic him!"    When we see a look in Holloywood or a life style in the world we ought be careful what we mimic.  Is the mimic based upon what is good (Christ) or what is evil (Satan's world)?

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