Thursday, November 26, 2015

truth #333 - Perfect timing is an allusion- Ecclesiasties 11-12

Ecclesiastes 11:4

He who observes the wind will not sow,
and he who regards the clouds will not reap.

Truth: By waiting for the perfect time we may miss our only chance.

In this book, Solomon continues to give us insight and understanding about how to live life. At the end of the book he will tell us that the summary of the whole book is to live in the fear of God. He wants us to live in reverence of God. In the above verse he is giving us insight as to how we fear God in our practical day-to-day life.  The above verse is written in an agricultural setting.  When a farmer goes out to sow seed they would love to have the optimal conditions for that activity to happen. The same is true when they go out and reap from their field. Sowing seed on a calm day would be the most favorable conditions.  Reaping the harvest on a dry and cool day would be the most optimal.  If a farmer sits around and waits for these types of conditions, he may never sow and he may never reap.  We all would like to have the best conditions to perform our work, our play, our activity. But if we wait for the optimal moment, we may miss THE moment. Solomon is telling us to live in reverence for God. To live in reverence we must trust Him no matter the circumstance.  In order to accomplish the task that He gives us, we might have to endure poor timing.  But God's timing is never poor. If we sit back and wait for our perfect time, we may miss our only chance.

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