Friday, August 21, 2015

Truth #236 - God choose us to serve Him - Hosea 1-7

Hosea 1:2
When the Lord first spoke through Hosea, the Lord said to Hosea, “Go, take to yourself a wife of whoredom and have children of whoredom, for the land commits great whoredom by forsaking the Lord.”

Truth:  When God chooses us to serve Him, we don't get to choose the circumstances.

Perhaps the hardest thing in life for believers to assimilate into their walk of faith is the truth we have in this verse in regard to the prophet Hosea.   Hosea was choose by God to take a special message to the kings, priests and people of Israel and Judah.   He was a prophet, called by God to serve during the time of four of Israel's kings and one of Judah's kings.   He was told by God to take a wife.  But, not just any women for a wife, Hosea was told to take a wife from the prostitute section of time.   He was to take a wife who would be unfaithful to him and who would, despite give birth to his children, would leave him at some point.   God was going to use that marriage and those children as an object lesson to the nation to show them how He had reached to them in their whoredom and choose to love them.   Despite God's love for them and taking them from the life of sin and enable them to bear more and more children, the nation would continue to return to whoredom and reject God's love.  Hosea was to be the living example of this same thing so that the nation of Israel would see first hand what God was experiencing.   Hosea may have wanted, in his life, to marry a great women, raised two kids, had a nice dog and a white picket fence around his house.   But, God had other plans for his life.   We talk so much about walking with God by faith and "serving" Him, wherever He tells us to serve, but how convenient that this service often is in our home town, near our family, with all the comforts of home and seldom difficult.   Society tells us to go to school, to get a great degree, to earn a good income, to buy all the things in life that make us comfortable.   The world sells the idea of "comfortability" in our lives and for our lives.  That is given to us as a goal.   God, instead, isn't concerned about our creature comforts, as much as He wants us to serve Him in regard to His plan and His message about HIs steadfast love and His uncommon grace and mercy.   We ought not to think our life as our own.   We were bought with a price and that means God, as our Creator, Redeemer and Provider can call upon us to serve Him where, how, when and for whatever reason.   The truth is, He choose us to serve Him!

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