Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Truth #150 - We are to long for God! Psalm 63-65

Psalms 63:1
O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you;
my soul thirsts for you;
my flesh faints for you,
as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.

Truth:  God is the most important pursuit known to man!    Have you ever made a statement as the following:  "I am so hungry!  I am starving for _______!! ... and then, fill in the blank with whatever has your taste buds now.    Or, have you ever searched through the web for something like a car you desire, a chair to fit that corner of the room, a shoe type that perfectly matches that dress, or any other item you have scanned the complete internet to find?   Have you ever lost something in your home and turned the entire house up-side-down to find it?  You huff and puff until you blow up every room to locate that one thing you were so desirous to find.   Look through these statements and what do you find as a theme?  They are about having an earnest desire for something temporal.  No man is exempt from the pursuit of the temporal.   Yet, in the above passage David tells us of his pursuit:  The Eternal, Immortal God of the universe.   David sought God as though he were in a desert place, dying of thirst and God was his only water.   When we get a new car we look at it through the window and admire our purchase.  When we get a new home we take pictures and show our friends.   When we get a new job we shout from the rooftops about it.   These are things that are important but are only temporary in our lives.   I have lived in 20 different homes or apartments in my sixty-plus years of life ... that's assuming I counted them all.   They are all temporary.  God has given us Himself, an eternal Being to rejoice and long for.   We ought to measure our spiritual depth by how much we pursue our relationship with Him and think of Him.  A newly wedded couple spends the days and nights before and right after their wedding longing for each other.   That longing is what David is talking about in the Psalm.  If we are not in the mode of longing and we have something else in the way of that desire, we have something wrong in our daily life with Him.   He is to be longed for as though we are to die of thirst without Him!!!

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