Thursday, March 5, 2015

Truth #67 - Arguing FOR truth is better than arguing YOUR truth - Job 21-22

Job 20:29
This is the wicked man's portion from God,
the heritage decreed for him by God.”

The above verse is Zophar's words in regard to the wicked on their earth.  He has just explained to Job and the other friends, that the wicked are not going to last on this earth, they will never be satisfied on this earth (despite their perceived prosperity), and God will destroy them in the end.    Zophar, is drawing a relationship between the truth that the wicked will be judged and Job's circumstance.   By implications, Zophar is telling Job that he is wicked and is experiencing the natural plight of all wicked men.   However, note Job's thoughts on the wicked, as he observes them:

Job 21:9
Their houses are safe from fear,
and no rod of God is upon them.

Job is looking at the same people (the wicked) and draws a completely different conclusion.   Job sees the wicked and notes their satisfaction in life and their sense of ease, apart from God.    Job states that there is "no rod of God" upon them.    Zophar states that the destruction of the wicked is "man's portion from God" and "decreed for him by God."  Both men see the same people and know the same God and derive at completely different locations.   Like two people standing on opposite corners of the same intersection, they explain to the officer completely different reasons and accounts of the automobile accident.  In the sense of right and wrong, they both are and they both aren't.   In the sense of seeking truth, the men are so bent on proving their points and defending their points, the discussion is now more like a trial, with the friends acting as judge and jury and Job the defendant and self-appointed lawyer.  If they both were to seek truth, rather than trying to defend being right, they could come to a mutual conclusion:  In man's eyes, the wicked often appear at complete ease (Psalm 73), but in the eternal view of things, the wicked have no such security.   Outwardly and practically (Job's view) the wicked look fine.   Inwardly and eternally (Zophar's view) the wicked are tormented and destined, by God, for certain destruction.    Such it is with many Christians today and with groups of believers.   There are is only one truth.   You can't have multiple truths about the same thing.   But, you can have different views of the same truth.  One can see God and His work from one angle and one can see the same work and the same God from a different angle.  To say that God is perfect in His love is truth.  To say that God is perfect in His wrath, is also true.   Yet, we have much debate that the God of perfect love would NEVER express His wrath and send someone to hell.   Or, we have great debate about the fox-hole conversion of the worst of all sinners, where upon his/her death bed comes to Christ and God showers him/her with perfect love and forgiveness.   Same truth, different angles.   We ought not become like Zophar and Job.   We ought to stand for all truth.  But, we ought to also admit, that, at times, we are not always in full knowledge of all truth.   Seek truth and it will set you free.  Argue partial truth, from one angle and you will be in prison of debate for the rest of your life.   The truth is, we need to seek truth, not argue truth.

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