Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Truth #24 - God is THE judge! Psalm 9-11

Psalms 9:4-8
For You have maintained my just cause;
You have sat on the throne judging righteously.
You have rebuked the nations, You have destroyed the wicked;
You have blotted out their name forever and ever.
The enemy has come to an end in perpetual ruins,
And You have uprooted the cities;
The very memory of them has perished.
But the Lord abides forever;
He has established His throne for judgment,
And He will judge the world in righteousness;
He will execute judgment for the peoples with equity.

The truth is that God is THE Judge!   We all have been judged by someone at one time or another.   We all have made judgements of others at one time or another.  Even when we don't realize it, we are making judgments about how people look, act, drive, work, etc.    We seem to have an inward bent on judgment.  This may be because we have been created in God's image and He is the ultimate Judge.   The problem develops, however, that unlike God, we are not Just Judges.   When we make judgments of others they are based upon our own evil hearts and bent agendas.    God is the perfect Judge.   As the above passage states, He judges "righteously."   It states, "He has established His throne for judgment" and that "He will judge the world in righteousness."   That means, that unlike us, God makes perfect judgments.  If you have ever been judged unfairly by someone, you know how frustrating it is to be judged in unrighteousness.   When others make false judgments of us, we recoil and we defend ... rightly so.   But, we can be assured that when God judges there will be nothing to defend against, because He will be right.     Others judge us corruptly.   In the above prayer of the Psalmist, he recognizes that God "maintained my just cause."   He is stating that he believes he is right and others are falsely judging him.  Yet, he knows the truth that is the perfect judge and He will not allow us to be judged in unrighteousness, for long.  We live in a corrupt world where evil men do sit in places of judgement.   We will be judged wrongly in this world.   We work with people who have evil hearts and they will make corrupt judgments about us.  We have sin in our families and even the ones we love will make judgments about us.  Yet, God is the ultimate judge that sorts it all out.   We can rejoice in the truth that God will never mis-judge us.    He will only judge us in a manner that is worthy of righteousness and holiness.  That is a truth we can both rest in and allow it to motivate us to holy living.  

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