Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Do you maintain the cause of the afflicted? Psalms 140:12

Psalms 140:12
I know that the Lord will maintain the cause of the afflicted
And justice for the poor.

One of the major themes of God's Word is that God is a just God.  He doesn't just suggest it to others, He demands it.  It is the essence of God.   In Micah 6:8 we read that is the main requirement of man toward God and toward other human beings.  God demands justice in our treatment of others.  you can't read too much of God's Word without getting this message. God holds the Edomites responsible throughout Scripture for their failure to simply let the nation of Israel to pass by through their land.  God judges them throughout the prophets for this act of "injustice."  The Edomites were the descendants of Esau, Jacob's (Israel) brother.  Because they mistreated their brother (being unjust) they would be judged for it.  This is what it means in the above text when it states, "the Lord will maintain the cause of the afflicted."   The judgement on the Edomites did not happen right away but God did, finally, judge them.   We might not always see God's judgment, but we will see it ... eventually.  Right now there is much oppression in the world; oppression by many powerful and ungodly leaders.  In faith we read the above verse and in faith we say with the writer, "I know ...".   It is comforting "to know" that God will maintain the cause of the afflicted and justice for the poor.  It is also compelling.  It is compelling on us to do likewise.  We are to reflect our Father as His children.  We, too, should look for ways to maintain their cause and administer their justice.   That is what our Father would do and that is what we should do.  

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