Monday, October 13, 2014

Did you know that God's amazing grace and love can be seen in the midst of His discipline? Deuteronomy 1-3

Deuteronomy 2:7
" For the Lord your God has blessed you in all that you have done; He has known your wanderings through this great wilderness. These forty years the Lord your God has been with you; you have not lacked a thing.”’"

The above verse is found in the midst of Moses' final message to the nation of Israel.   He has led them out of Egypt and to the edge of the promise land.   However, the generation he actually lead out of Egypt is now dead.  This passage is a reminder to the NEW generation who survived the last forty years.    The old generation was punished for their disbelief and their unwillingness to follow God's leading.    Over the forty years of wandering they were being disciplined and would not be allowed to enter the Promise Land.   The new generation would rise up in their stead and be allowed to enter into this land of promise.    However, read the above passage again.  Despite the discipline of God on that rebellious generation, AS they died off note what God did for them.   He gave them guidance and provision, despite their rebellion.  Even in discipline, God's amazing grace can be seen and experienced.    Throughout the wanderings God would direct them.  Throughout the wanderings God would send them food each day.  Throughout the wanderings God would make sure they NEVER lacked.    God could have wiped them out.  He could have allowed them to died immediately.  Instead, over forty years they were allowed to be replaced by the next generation and given guidance and care during that time.  God disciplines us but He does so in love and in grace.    We ought to rejoice and praise God in the midst of discipline for His continued amazing grace in our lives.

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