Saturday, September 13, 2014

Why do you "feel bad" about sin? John 16-18

John 16:8
And He, when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment;

Jesus is about to depart via the cross and the resurrection.  In these final moments with His disciples He is alerting them to what is to come.   The main emphasis in these chapters will be the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the believing AND the unbelieving world.  In the above passage we see Jesus outlining the Spirit's ministry in the lives of the world, specifically.   He tells us that the Spirit will have a ministry of "convicting" the world of their sin; of judgment to come; and of the righteousness necessary to be in the presence and favor of God.   In this world there is no one who is convicted of their sin, absent the Spirit's ministry.   If a man is truly convicted of sin it must be the act of the Spirit.   However, natural man can have, by nature, a conscious attitude toward sin.  This is general grace however, and not the grace that comes from the conviction of his sin by the Spirit of God.  Other men can "convict" other men of sin.  In fact, Pastor's are told to "reprove" people in their preaching (1 Timothy 5:20; 2 Timothy 4:2).   We are all supposed to "expose" the hidden  (Ephesians 5:20).   But, it is only the Spirit who can convict others to bring them to repentance.   Pastors and believers might be the instruments the Spirit uses.  The Spirit might us the conscious mind to cause a person to see their behavior or thoughts as sin.   But, it is only the ministry of the Spirit that makes that happen.   Only the Spirit can convict and bring a person to the point of repentance; necessary for change to take place.  The Spirit is the Person who causes us to view sin the way we should.   The Spirit causes us to bring to mind the judgment to come.   The Spirit is the one who lays out both the need and the way of righteousness.   If we have a "hunger for righteousness" it is the Spirit who put that into our hearts.  Only the Spirit can bring about an attitude toward sin that produces repentance that will then allow us to avoid judgment and attain righteousness through Christ.    Man can't do that for other men.   Psychology can only point out the flaws of man (expose the problems).  It can't, as a method, theory or system, produce a change in man to help the avoid judgment and be declared righteous in Christ.  That is an exclusive act and ministry of the Spirit.   

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