Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Did you know God holds courts for leaders? Psalm 81-83

Psalms 82:1-2 (NASBStr)
 God takes His stand in His own congregation;
He judges in the midst of the rulers.
 How long will you judge unjustly
And show partiality to the wicked?

In Psalm 82 we have a Psalm of Asaph that seems to be written in regard to God holding a meeting with rulers.   We don't know if these are physical leaders, spiritual leaders, angelic leaders, or political leaders.  We don't know if this is metaphorical as though He were holding a meeting in picture form of all leaders, or if this is similar to the time when God held a meeting with the angelic host and Satan came before God to present himself and challenge God about Job.    What we do know from the above text is that God is standing.  In most of God's Word we read that God is sitting on His throne.  In this passage He is standing over the other rulers.   God is the supreme ruler of the universe and all others submit to Him, no matter their categorical description.   Another obvious aspect of this passage is that God knows the rulers and can call their attention and demand their response at any time He chooses.   Although some of the rulers of this world may not submit to that thought, it is never-the-less still true.   A third area of inference in the above passage is that some leaders are unjust, which is the main theme of the chapter.   These leaders, whoever they are, are not following just practices.  That would lead us to believe they are earthly leaders.  They are showing partiality to the wicked.  They are not judging in righteousness.   The sole responsibility of leaders is to uphold righteousness.   God is observant of leaders and when they refuse to honor righteousness they are brought before God to be reminded of their responsibility and judgement if they don't carry out God's character in their leadership.   God holds all responsible, but especially those in ruling authority.  Whether they recognize it or not.  

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