Sunday, June 22, 2014

Do you know what our exact purpose is on this earth as believers? Ephesians 4-6

Ephesians 4:11-12 (NASBStr)
And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ;

God has an exact plan for making sure we are prepared for the work He sent us to do.  God sent us trainers to train us and equip us.   God sent apostles (who wrote the training manuals); He sent prophets (who warn us about the results of neglecting the manuals); He sent evangelist (who solicit new believers); and He sent pastor/teachers (who teach us the truths of the manuals).   All of this is for the purpose of "equipping" others to do the work of the ministry - which is the building up of the body.  Make no mistake: God has a Mission Statement for this organization (Build the Body) and He has a method established to make that happen (qualified training).   When we see this model employed by the church great things should happen.   Not only do we see the body built, but we see people fulfill their work in the ministry.   That doesn't have to take place in the walls of the church.  Our building of other believers takes place in many forms, but the work of building others is done by this formula in the church.   The officers of the church have been sent to equip the members of the church so that the members of the church can build up the body - that is our ministry.   The closest we can get to that in the life we live the more we glorify God and bring edification to others.   We have an exact purpose and an exact method to make the purpose work.   

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