Thursday, June 12, 2014

Do you know the secret formula for life? Proverbs 4

In chapter four of Proverbs, Solomon is telling us that our diligent attention to God's Word is the key to the success we desire in our lives.  Note the following words used:

1. In verse one we are told to "heed" and "give attention."

2.  In verse two we are told "not to abandon".  

3. In verse four we are told to "hold fast" and "keep." 

4.  In verse five we are told to "acquire" and to "not forsake."  

Throughout the book we are told to acquire or retain this close attention to God's Word.   The faithful life of a believer is hard, but also an incredible easy formula for success.  We are to believe in God's Word, despite what we see or feel or hear.  We are to trust God's promises and precepts and success is ours.  Success, however, is defined by God not us.   The world has a formula and a system.  It promises success and it promises assurances.   But, those are fleeting and those are empty.   Only holding to and following God's Word is a guarantee for success.  The world entices us to fall into its shortcuts and immediate gratifications.    Look at the temptation of Christ in the wilderness.  Satan promised and attempted to trick Christ into doing something that God's Word would not allow.   There is a diminishing emphasis on reading and studying and memorizing God's Word today.   There is especially a loss of meditation on God's Word.  Yet, that is the formula outlined in chapter four and throughout the Scripture.  

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