Saturday, June 21, 2014

Do you know the cost of believing? Luke 13-14

Luke 14:25-27 (NASBStr)
Discipleship Tested
 Now large crowds were going along with Him; and He turned and said to them, “ If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple. Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.

We live in an era of easy believism.   It began years ago and continues today.   The gospel has been dumbed down for people to think and believe if they confess knowledge of Christ's work they are free from sin and can go on in their lives doing as they pleased.    There were many disciples in Jesus day who thought the same thing.   They thought that simply knowing Jesus and showing up once in awhile to hear him teach would suffice.   In the above passage we have Jesus thoughts on those who would follow Him.  It takes a full commitment!!   Some believe and teach there are different stages of Christianity: One for one and another stage for another.   There are some who think you have believers, followers/disciples, and full-time ministry believers.   Jesus didn't make a distinction in stages.   Every believer, to follow Christ, must consider the cost and the cost is large.   We quit worshipping everything else and we start worshipping those around us and the things around us.   Jesus gives some illustrations of this principle following these verses and let's those listening to Him that is quite natural to 'count the cost" before we move forward.    Yet, there are many who do not do that.   They believe they can cast their lot in with Christ and not suffer persecution.   They believe they can cast their lot in with Christ and not suffer abandonment or ostracism.  They believe they can cast their lot in with Christ and not lose anything in regard to personal possessions or property owndership.   Jesus is telling them you can join HIs family and stay part of another.  Jesus is telling them and us you can't be part of the Kingdom of God and still try to hold on and be a citizen of the world.    God has given us His Son freely.   The cost of that discipleship is that we are fully engaged with His Son.   He makes that possible by giving us His Spirit to fulfill these things in our lives.    We must, however, be fully committed to know the cost of following Jesus.  

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