Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Did you know God gives strength and power and we don't earn any of it? Psalm 66-68

Psalms 68:35 (NASBStr)
O God, You are awesome from Your sanctuary.
The God of Israel Himself gives strength and power to the people.
 Blessed be God!

There are some who think we live our Christian life in partnership with God.   They believe, falsely, that we add some effort to our own going process of salvation.   They might even say that even though we start in grace, we have to add some "effort" with grace.   In the above Psalm (obviously from the O.T.) we read that God gives strength and power to the people. Blessed be God!!   There is nothing in Scripture that teaches anything other than this thought:  God Gives Strength and Power ... we, in His grace, are only the conduits of it.   We don't ADD anything to God's Work in our life.  Grace can't have works.  It is either all grace or all works.  It is God's grace AT work in my life when I see victory.   If I overcome ANY sin in ANY measure it is TOTALLY God's grace. We can't sign praises to God for His grace and strength and then try to steal His glory by claiming we had some measure of partnership with Him.   This Psalm is all about God doing a great work.  There is not one breath of a hint that the nation of Israel had some partnership with God.  God redeemed them and then took completely care of them.  The only "part" they played was to believe in God and His abiding love and constant care ... and, that belief, was a gift.   God GIVES strength and power.     We don't earn it.  

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