Friday, May 2, 2014

Can you rest in God NOT know NOW what His intent is with your life? Jeremiah 27-31

Jeremiah 30:24 (NASBStr)
The fierce anger of the Lord will not turn back
Until He has performed and until He has accomplished
The intent of His heart;
In the latter days you will understand this.

There will be a time we understand what God is doing in our lives.  We tend to want to know NOW what God is doing and how He is doing it.  We like to have the end known.   We like our lives predictable.   We even store up money for the end of our lives so we can predict the way the end will be.   Yet, God doesn't do that with His character or His plans.   He is completing His plans.  Whether through HIs anger, wrath, love or forgiveness, God is going to accomplish His plans.  He is going to perform and accomplish the intent of His heart.   It will only be in the later days (we really don't know what that means in regard to time frame) He will allow us to understand.  That might be later in our lives as we mature and see His grace working in our lives; it could mean when we get to Glory; it could mean both, or, something we don't understand right now.   To say we understand what it means when God says we won't understand until later seems redundant to consider.  God doesn't have to tell us what He is doing, why He is doing it or when He might start or stop doing it. In Jeremiah He was revealing the way He was going to discipline the nation of Israel.   Yet, some prophets came in a false way to say when God is doing "x" or "y".   Yet, the character of God is not to always tell us His plans.   But, the hope we have in Him is that someday we WILL understand.   He promises so in the above passage.  God is a revealer of truth.  He likes to let us know His plans.  Just not at the time we may want to know them.  But, but faith we can believe He will and until then we just live by faith on those words. 

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