Thursday, May 22, 2014

Can you handle the hippo or the crock? Or, how about your own suffering? Job 40-42

Job 41:8 (NASBStr)
“Lay your hand on him;
Remember the battle; you will not do it again!

In these last chapters of Job, God is brining His final and closing argument to Job.   Job has, in his defense against the accusations of his friends, failed to recognize God's sovereign control over Job.   God, in His patience with Job, has waited long enough to respond.   In chapter forty God brings an argument to Job about His control over all things by speaking of the mighty Behemoth.  Most commentators believe this is the modern day equivalent of the hippopotamus.   God is pointing out Job, that Job couldn't even control or provide for one of God's creatures; especially the biggest one.   In the above verse God brings exhibit two and talks about the Leviathan.  Many commentators believe this is in reference to the crocodile.  Whatever the animal is, it is powerful and uncontrollable by man.   God has laid before Job two examples of His sovereign rule and Job is quieted by them.   In this verse in particular God is telling Job to try to conquer the Leviathan.   He is warning him that if he does he better be prepared for a battle. If you want to go to war with the Leviathan (symbol of something you cannot tame) remember that the battle will be fierce and you will not want to do it again.  You can't do this (anymore than you can fight with God's sovereign rule in your life).  We are told in Scripture that before you take on such a creature in battle (something tough to conquer) get support and insight from others:

Proverbs 24:6 For by wise guidance you will wage war, And in abundance of counselors there is victory.

Proverbs 20:18
Prepare plans by consultation,
And make war by wise guidance.

Yet, this is what Job's friends did not do.  They simply spend their time pointing a finger at Job, rather than to the power of God.   God is telling Job there are many things in life you CAN'T do.   Yet, God can!!!   If Job's friends would have focused on God's sovereign power and rule Job and they would have been better off.   God is telling Job through the examples of the Behemoth and the Leviathan that He is in charge and can handle the BIG stuff because to Him the BIG stuff is rather small.   Let's quit trying to do the BIG and small stuff and let God have the sovereign rule over it and our lives and our response to it.   

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