Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Does your worship of the past cause you to desire more in the future? Psalm 42-44

Psalms 42:4 (NASBStr)
These things I remember and I pour out my soul within me.
For I used to go along with the throng and lead them in procession to the house of God,
With the voice of joy and thanksgiving, a multitude keeping festival.

Perhaps the worst memories are those that recall the best times of your life when you were involved in worship and that is no longer available to you.   We talk a lot about memories and the past accomplishments we have had.  We call to mind those things with found memories and great delight.   But, the height of memory awareness is when you can call to mind the act of worship you had in the past with other believers.   In the above passage the Psalmist recalls a time when he not only worshipped at a great level but also was part of the leadership of that throng.   Leading others in worship is the ultimate in leadership.   Encouraging others to praise God the extreme in true leadership.   The writer here, however, bemoans this memory.   He states that he pours out his soul within himself.   He speaks of this as a past event.   We are not told why he no longer leads them.   Perhaps his age as caused the world to pass him by.  Or, maybe, we it is the fact that he has disqualified himself and is allowed to serve in this capacity.   All we know is that this is a past memory.  One that seems to be causing some hunger, desire or panting (Note he uses the words, "These things" at the beginning of this section).   In the first three verses of the chapter the writer states he has a hunger, desire and a panting frantic for God.   In the end of this verse, above, he states that the worship he and others were involved in was full of joy and thanksgiving.   His memory brings to mind a "multitude keeping festival."   It is both wonderful and wondering to bring to mind the worship of the past.   In this passage it is motivating the writer to want more of it.   True, Biblical and Christlike worship ought to leave you wanting more.   Leadership or follower-ship, you want more of God once you taste Him in true, humble worship.  

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