Saturday, April 26, 2014

Do you look for a miracle or simply go to the tomb and are surprised that it is empty? Mark 15-16

Mark 16:6 (NASBStr)
And he *said to them, “ Do not be amazed; you are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who has been crucified. He has risen; He is not here; behold, here is the place where they laid Him.

If you are a believer in Christ this verse ought to be one of your favorite verses in Scripture.   Imagine the women this verse was spoken to and their state of mind.  Up to this point they were followers of Jesus, but not them, or the disciples were theologians.   They did not understand Jesus' words that the temple would be destroyed and rise again in three days; they did not get that those words were spoken about the temple of His body.   They were not prepared for, "He is risen."   Their mindset was formed based upon the belief we all have; that when you die you die.   Despite all the theological training there was no connection to a resurrection.   Even though they saw Jesus bring Lazarus back and a dead girl, the women (and later disciples) were not planning on it.  They were still looking at Jesus' death through the eyes of the flesh, not the eyes of faith.    Flesh says the body should be in the tomb.  Any reasonable flesh-powered-set-of-eyes would expect the body to be there.   But, to a person with a faith-powered-set-of-eyes would have looked for a ressurection.   Remember the story of Abraham when he took Isaac, his son of his old age and the son God promised that would produce grandchildren.  Abraham was told to crucify Isaac on an alter.   This was his only son.    Yet, Abraham didn't hesitate?   Why?  Because, according to the passage below, Abraham reasoned from the promise of God about Isaac that if God now wanted him to offer Isaac on an alter God would, out of need to keep the promise, raise Isaac from the dead.   

Hebrews 11:17-19 (NASBStr)
By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises was offering up his only begotten son; it was he to whom it was said, “ IN Isaac your descendants shall be called.” He considered that God is able to raise people even from the dead, from which he also received him back as a type.

The women did not have such a mindset.   They only assumed Jesus would be there.  The disciples did not have that mindset.   They ran tot he tomb to make sure the women weren't mislead.  Not one of them stopped and "considered" the possibility of a resurrection.  We probably wouldn't have either.   When fast with sin, temptation, struggle, crisis, persecution or any pressure from life we seldom, in faith, turn to the resurrection to "power" us through.  We first turn to the concept of "self-control"  and try to "work" through it.    We will even tell others, "I'm working through it."   We probably seldom say in our minds, or even less out loud, "I'm trusting the power of the resurrection in my life."   We need to change our mindset so that when it is time for a miracle we look for it rather than get surprised by it.   Why?   Because He has risen!!

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