Tuesday, March 18, 2014

What type of leadership do you follow? 1 Samuel 6-10

1 Samuel 10:25-27 (NASBStr)
Then Samuel told the people the ordinances of the kingdom, and wrote them in the book and placed it before the Lord. And Samuel sent all the people away, each one to his house. Saul also went to his house at Gibeah; and the valiant men whose hearts God had touched went with him. But certain worthless men said, “How can this one deliver us?” And they despised him and did not bring him any present. But he kept silent.

This section of 1 Samuel is about the nation of Israel rejecting God as their king and requesting from Samuel, an earthly king.   The nation wanted to be like the other nations.   Other nations had a great warrior(s) lead them into battle.  The nation of Israel had God lead them into battle but they wanted a physical king they could see in the flesh, not simply follow by faith.  God was planned to Samuel that the nation was not rejecting Samuel but was rejecting God.  God gave into them about a fleshly king and gave them what their heart desired (a king who was physically dominate but spiritually depraved).   Even at Saul's coronation service there was a mixed reaction.   Some men followed him and others, worthless men, did not.   Despite the popularity of wanting a king, some men didn't want to follow him.  They rejected Saul, not because they desired God to be their king, but because they doubted Saul's ability to deliver them.   These worthless men would be "passive-aggressive" in their approach to Saul, however.  They withheld gifts and they simply kept silent.  Even though God gave them what they wanted (a physical dominate king) there were still those who rejected that king.   Saul was on unwilling participant in this process, not fully grasping that God had selected him as the king.   He would, eventually, start to act like a king, but this story shows the failure of the world and their system of leadership.    Godly leaders (like Samuel) would bring blessing to Israel (see the end of chapter nine).   Worldly leaders always begin with division and strife.    The world can't follow Godly leaders because it isn't the leader they want it is their will they want.  They know God won't give them their will.  They hope an ungodly leader will.  

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