Friday, March 7, 2014

Have you ever felt rejected and abandoned? Isaiah 51-55

Isaiah 54:4-6 (NASBStr)
“Fear not, for you will not be put to shame;
And do not feel humiliated, for you will not be disgraced;
But you will forget the shame of your youth,
And the reproach of your widowhood you will remember no more.
 “For your husband is your Maker,
Whose name is the Lord of hosts;
And your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel,
Who is called the God of all the earth.
 “For the Lord has called you,
Like a wife forsaken and grieved in spirit,
Even like a wife of one’s youth when she is rejected,”
Says your God.

Have you ever felt rejected?  Have you ever felt abandoned?  Have you ever seen a pop can on the side of the road and felt like, at times, it looks like you in journey of life?   The above passage of Isaiah is to let us know that God is well aware of the wife who was deserted (or the husband), the child left alone and abandoned, the pain of being forsaken.   God is telling us to know fear and not to feel humiliated.   God is the God of all comfort and the one who is permanent in our lives.  God understands "forsaken."    On the cross, just before His death, Jesus' final words were, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?"   To the unbeliever and philosopher those words were the confession of Jesus that He died in vain, finally realizing God was not going to glory Him, or couldn't rescue Him.   But, these are the words of Christ that reflect His substitutionary atonement for us.  He had to be a place where we would, totally rejected and abandoned.   It was from that place He can answer our prayers and know our pain.   He rose from the dead and defeated death and restored the relationship we have with God.  We no longer have to feel forsaken and be held by the "shame" of our youth or the "reproach" of our circumstances.   God has, through the Son, restored our relationship and He will NEVER abandoned us.  He DOESN'T say in the above verse that we still won't be abandoned by those on this planet.  What He says is that His Son is the restorer of that broken relationship and we can rejoice about it and not fear being alone.    

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