Thursday, March 6, 2014

Do you ever offer counsel to others that flows from your own opinion? Job 20-21

Job 20:2 (NASBStr)
“Therefore my disquieting thoughts make me respond,
Even because of my inward agitation.

Zophar begins his second speech in reaction to Job's attitude so far to the calamity Job faces.   In the above verse Zophar states that he can't control his "inward thoughts"  - that they are "making" him respond to Job.  He doesn't say that his response to Job is coming from a conviction of his heart based upon his study of God's Word.   He doesn't say that a prophet came to him to tell him what to say.   He doesn't say his daily devotions gave him some special insight to share with Job.   He does state that his inward thoughts are motivating him and are forcing him to say something.  How many times have others come to someone in a calamity and told them they just had to say something about the situation.   Giving others our opinions to help them through their issues is not good council.   Giving others God's Word in a time need is what we are called to do.   When we say, like Zophar, that our thoughts are controlling us, that is contrary to true faith as we are to bring into captivity our thoughts.   When we have thoughts that we can't control, we are not walking in the Spirit.   When we offer counsel to others from a state of lost control, we offer lost control to others.   Zophar's words of counsel come from a place many of us have been.   However, when in that state, we should not offer counsel to others.   

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