Saturday, March 1, 2014

Do you know when Christ is coming and what to do? Matthew 23-25

Matthew 24:44 (NASBStr)
For this reason you also must be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will.

In this chapter of Matthew Jesus is in the middle of a discussion where He is responding to specific questions asked by His disciples.   During this intercourse of teaching, the primary and overriding key to discovering what Jesus is actually saying is to remember the questions being asked by the disciples:

Matthew 24:3 (NASBStr)
As He was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”

You can't really know what this dialogue is saying without remembering those specific questions.  Even then, this chapter and the ones that follow on the same subject, may be one of the most disputed arguments on eschatology.    There are many views about the chapters.  Some believe the events Jesus is talking about have not been, yet, fulfilled.  Others think their over.   Many stand in the middle.   But, one thing we know for sure is that Christ does give us some over-riding principles to follow, which we ought not forsake.  One such principle is stated in the above verse.   We may differ on the time of the events.  We can differ over to whom they were spoken.  We can even differ on how many of the events are done and how many are left to be seen.   But, we can't differ on the fact that Christ tells us that no matter when it happens, we must be ready for something.   Christ doesn't give us the timing but He does tell us the attitude we are to have.   We may not be totally aware of the concrete facts of the last days (or, even if they are complete), but we do know that Christ wants us to be prepared when He comes.   John told us in his epistle that those who have the hope of Christ return in them will purify themselves, just as Christ is pure   At the end of the day it is about being ready, not knowing dates and times.   

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