Thursday, January 9, 2014

Do you know what to do when you are in utter despair? Job 3-5

Job 3:25-26 (NASBStr)
“For what I fear comes upon me,
And what I dread befalls me.
 “I am not at ease, nor am I quiet,
And I am not at rest, but turmoil comes.”

The story of Job is the oldest story we have.   It has an immense amount of truth and learning that we can build our lives around.  But, perhaps one of the greatest aspects of the book is its profound honesty with the emotion of Job as he suffers through this trial.   Most Christians don't like to publicly acknowledge their suffering.   They suppress it and hide it from those who might think they are actually human.   Some people medicate the suffering.   In the above passage Job articulates his pain and the depth of his anguish.  He is not "at ease", he is not "quiet", he is not "at rest," and what he fears comes upon him.   This is a bad place to be in life.   If you have never been at this place, or a place like it in your life, rejoice.   If you have, you know just how Job feels.   We can rejoice, however, that this is not the end of the book, or story.  This is only the beginning.  This is the on-ramp to God.  You have to get to this point before you are ready to hear what God has to say.   Jesus invites all those who are in this way to come to Him in Matthew 11:28-30.  Jesus calls for anyone who is weak, and weary, and in toil, and seeks rest to come to Him and He will pull you through what you are experiencing.  He will yoke Himself to us and, by faith in the power of His name, He will carry us through.   Job won't actually hear this message for 35 more chapters.   However, the answer coms because he has come to the point that he realizes he has nothing left in this life and only Christ can give Him rest.  

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