Saturday, December 7, 2013

Would you ever go against the unction of the Spirit? Acts 21-22

Acts 21:4 (NASBStr)
After looking up the disciples, we stayed there seven days; and they kept telling Paul through the Spirit not to set foot in Jerusalem.

At first reading the above verse catches off guard.   Paul was warned not to go to Jerusalem and, yet, still went.   Later, in this same chapter he will be warned by the prophet Agabus that "if" he goes he will be bound (Acts 21:10).  But, Paul still went.   Even though he was warned by the Spirit he still went.   Why?   Did Paul disobey the Spirit of God?   We might easily draw that conclusion.   But, we have think about what was happening.   God allowed this prophecy to be told (his demise in Jerusalem) not to prevent it, but to confirm it to the saints when it happened.   God's warning was not to stop him but to strengthen them.  The prophecy game to them so that when it happened they would not fear (losing the largest voice of the church) but have their faith built up.   It should also be noted Paul was the one, lone voice, to the Gentiles.  These were Gentiles who were begging him to stay and not go to Jerusalem.  There motives were good but perhaps their agenda not.   If Paul did not preach the gospel to the Gentiles, who would?   Having a prophetic voice that something might happen to him, they did as all of us do - forget about the God who is in control and think about our daily needs.   God had a plan for Paul. It did include difficulty in Jerusalem.  But, it would ultimately be a trip to Rome for Paul and with that countless books we call the Prison Epistles.  His writings have move the Gentiles further done the road of faith than almost any writings on the earth.  The reason he had time to write? He was in prison.  The reason he was in prison? He went to Jerusalem even though it was going to be bad for them and him.   It was good for us.  

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