Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Do you glorify God on your bed? Psalm 149-150

Psalms 149:5 (NASBStr)
Let the godly ones exult in glory;
Let them sing for joy on their beds.

The nation of Israel often had a wide breath between what they could see with their eyes and what they were suppose to believe in their hearts.  God had made a covenant with them and they were, despite the circumstances of life, to believe in Him and that His covenant would be fulfilled.   Faith does not look with the human eye.    Faith looks at God's character and God's promises and lays hold of them.    In Psalm 149 the writer is calling for the nation to praise God despite their circumstances and to glorify God both publicly and, as above, privately that He will fulfill His covenant to them.   In the above verse the author tells them to praise Him in the silence and aloneness of their bed.   As they fall asleep and as they awake they are to glorify God for what He had done and will do, based upon His promises.   God wants us to glorify Him where ever we are in life.   When we go to bed that is the most private we are.  As we fall asleep we are absolutely confined to our own thoughts.  It is in this moment we are to rejoice and praise Him.   The last thing we think and the first thing we think ought to be the glory of God in our lives.   Exult in His glory on your bed.  

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