Saturday, October 5, 2013

When facing trouble what is your formula to follow? Acts 3-4

Acts 4:29-30 (NASBStr)
And now, Lord, take note of their threats, and grant that Your bond- servants may speak Your word with all confidence, while You extend Your hand to heal, and signs and wonders take place through the name of Your holy servant Jesus.”

Peter had already spent one night in jail for doing something good.  He had, through the power of Christ, healed and man and got punished for it by the masses.   After he was released he returned to the disciples and they, in unity, prayed.  Part of the prayer is recorded above.   It is not good to be threatened and attacked.   It causes stress and fear.   What do you with that fear?  You take it to God and you ask Him to quiet those who threaten.  You ask Him to care for your cares and to extend His hand and heal.   Only God can take a bad situation and calm the troubled seas.  Only God can and will heal bad situations.   When authorities don't follow God they can and do create havoc for believers.  Here, in this story of Peter and the healing of the lame man, is a perfect example of that truth.   But, the disciples, rather than run or hide, stood bold.   They stood on the truth that God was in control. He made heaven and earth and is the only one who can calm the trouble they were facing.   This would be the first of many times Peter would face this pressure.  He eventually would die as a result of his stand for Christ.   But, the formula was not to hide, but take the fear to The Lord in prayer and acknowledge His control.  

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