Thursday, October 24, 2013

Do you stop to consider life? Ecclesiastes 1-2

Ecclesiastes 2:11 (NASBStr)
Thus I considered all my activities which my hands had done and the labor which I had exerted, and behold all was vanity and striving after wind and there was no profit under the sun.

Have you ever stopped to "consider" your activities.   A favorite proverb, written by the same pen as the above states the following when speaking to Lady Folly (a metaphor for sin):

Proverbs 5:6
She does not ponder the path of life;
Her ways are unstable, she does not know it.

Not "knowing" that your path is unstable is a very foolish way to walk through life.  In the book of Ecclesiastes Solomon is giving us a first-hand experience of his journey in life.   Solomon had everything.  He had wine, women and song.  He had riches and popularity.   He had power and time.   Solomon had everything Wall Street works for, everything Hollywood promotes, and everything Washington flaunts.    As God gave him the wisdom to consider all that he had, done and live, he came to the above conclusion: All was vanity (emptiness).   We get excited about sports, invigorated by profit, and falsely assured by riches.  Yet, Solomon gives us this gentle reminder that everything on this earth is empty.   In the Book of Ecclesiastes Solomon is comparing everything physical and earthly with everything spiritual and heavenly.    When you make the comparison  you see that all that we possess and live for is simply vain, shallow and termporal.  Ecclesiastes, from the pen of the man who had it all, reminds us to "consider" our ways.   If we fail to ponder we will fail to prepare.   Folly does not ponder.   Hence she is unstable in all her ways.   Wise men ponder and realize that every activity they do on this earth is but temporal and vain.   Don't get too excited about vain things.   Put our hope and trust in something eternal ... God's grace and love.  

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