Monday, September 2, 2013

How do you see obstacles in your path? Numbers 13-17

Numbers 14:6-10 (NASBStr)
Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Jephunneh, of those who had spied out the land, tore their clothes; and they spoke to all the congregation of the sons of Israel, saying, “ The land which we passed through to spy out is an exceedingly good land. If the Lord is pleased with us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us— a land which flows with milk and honey. Only do not rebel against the Lord; and do not fear the people of the land, for they will be our prey. Their protection has been removed from them, and the Lord is with us; do not fear them.” But all the congregation said to stone them with stones. Then the glory of the Lord appeared in the tent of meeting to all the sons of Israel.

People don't always like to hear you speak in the words of faith.   Some people only see the world and the situations we face in life through the eyes of the flesh.  They don't see things through the eyes of faith and miss the point of each situation as an opportunity to see God work.  In the story before us we see this truth exemplified.   Joshua and Caleb were with those Moses had sent out to spy out the land.   They saw the dangers of the situation with their fleshly eyes but the delights of the spoil with their eyes of faith.  They saw the difficulty of the enemy fortress but the opportunity they had to trust God.  In each situation we face in life we have the chance to see it in the flesh or in the Spirit.   God has not given us a spirit of timidness, but of power (2 Timothy 1:7).   We can look to return to Egypt (the picture of the flesh in the O.T.) or look to follow the God who brought us to this occasion.   We need to equate our "fear" of man and the situation with the rebellion against God that it is.   Joshua and Caleb knew that God would bring them in if they maintained their faith in God. It wasn't about their own strength or their ability or their own numbers.   It was about their faith in the God who brought them to this point.   Obstacles are just opportunities in dirty clothes waiting to be washed in the bath of faith.    Faith brings you big grapes while the Flesh puts stones in your hands to injure the very people you love.   

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