Monday, August 5, 2013

Did you take off your entire seventh year of work? Leviticus 25-27

Leviticus 25:2 (NASBStr)
“Speak to the sons of Israel and say to them, ‘When you come into the land which I shall give you, then the land shall have a sabbath to the Lord.

If you worked for someone and they told you that they would pay you for six years of work and that would give you enough to live the seventh year without working, what would you say?    If the job was for the perfect boss who only wanted you to enjoy the fruits of your labor ever seven years, would that be something you could value.   What if he also said you could trust him to make sure the six years covered the seventh?  How many people would take that work approach?   That is what God is telling His people in this chapter.   God is telling the nation that they work for Him.  It is His land.   The seventh year was to give them, the animals and the land a rest.  It was a "Sabbath to The Lord."   It wasn't "man's" sabbath.  It was the Lords.  God did not invent or approve of capitalism.   No where in the Bible is the accumulation of wealth instructed or approved.   In God's approach to work, wealth and rest, He has a marvelous balance.   After six days of work, everything is to rest for  day.    After six years of work, everything is to rest for a seventh.   In the 50th year everyone who got into debt was to be set free and their land was to be returned.   Slaves who sold themselves into debt because of hardship or poor management are to be set free and restored.   Under this system no one could accumulate property and amass power.   Equality was guaranteed in God's system.   Capitalism works on the theory of free markets and accumulation becomes the goal: More money, more business, more land, more toys, more stuff.  In our society we suffer from Affluenza.   We want to be affluent and believe more is better.   We even work more.   But, we are ending up with less.   God is the owner of the land.  He demands rest from the land.  His system demands that we trust Him to provide and to bless.  Our hard work is enabled by His blessing.    This is not Law, either.  God ordained a rest day on the seventh day of the earth's existence.   We need to quick violating His principles if we expect His blessings.  Imagine what would happen in our world if every seventh year we stopped working and trusted God for our needs.   Or, if at the end of 49 years we gave everything back.   What would that do for the stock market?  How come no "Biblical" financial planners approach wealth this way?  By they way ... one of the reasons the nation of Israel went into bondage was to give the land the rest they refused to give it under this mandate.   God WILL give you and theland rest, one way or another.   The application for the church today is simple:  Practice rest and trust!   The principle here is that we are to trust God and rest in His care.   Today the church is caught up in constant activity and constant accumulation.   We model our churches after the world's business model not after the model God gives us here.   Taking time to rest and making sure we don't accumulate possessions and power and put people into our debt is the principle here.   Practice the principles found in God's way and you will have God's blessings.  

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