Tuesday, July 2, 2013

How worried are you about the future? 2 Kings 1-5

2 Kings 2:3 (NASBStr)
Then the sons of the prophets who were at Bethel came out to Elisha and said to him, “Do you know that the Lord will take away your master from over you today?” And he said, “Yes, I know; be still.”

Elijah was about to leave this earth and Elisha and the other prophets knew it ... they were prophets.   Since Elisha was the heir apparent to Elijah it was important that he not only stay by Elijah's side to minister to him, but to also learn from him.   So, where Elijah goes, Elisha goes.     But, Elijah tells him to stay home while he makes a quick trip to the city of Bethel.   This is where the angst of the group of prophets comes into view.  The other prophets began to stir up Elisha's spirit (or wanted to) over Elijah's soon departure.  However, Elisha kept his focus on things of truth and told them to be still ... to calm their spirits.   What sage advice for those who get all worked up about the future.   "Be still" is the advice of a mature prophet who rejects the worry-wort spirit of his peers.   We need more people in business and in life who will say, "be still" and don't get all worked up.   Let God deal with the unknown.  We just need to be prepared for what we do know and exercise faith in that.  We can get so worked up over future events and future issues.   The world of the conservative political Christian can get so caught up in the "voices" of the day.  If they only realized the time we spend listening to "talking heads" would be better spent actually talking to God and in the same state Elisha tells the prophets ... be still!!    We get so excited about the future and about what God might or might do.   Elisha had already been promised by God that he would be Elijah's successor.   He trusted, by faith, in God fulfilling His Word.  When we believe God will fulfill His Word we can afford the luxury of "being still."  

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