Friday, June 14, 2013

What would happen if you saw the glory of God? Ezekiel 1-4

Ezekiel 1:28 (NASBStr)
As the appearance of the rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the surrounding radiance. Such was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. And when I saw it, I fell on my face and heard a voice speaking.

I don't know how many times I have said, prayed, or heard another person in church ask God in some fashion or another to "show us Your glory."   When we worship on earth in our services we desire to see the glory of God.  We hunger for the glory of God as believers in Christ.   Yet, to my knowledge, every place in the Bible where, anyone, saw the glory of God they instantly fell down to worship in fear and trembling.   Moses, the Israelites, Isaiah, the three disciples on the mount, Paul on the Damascus road, John on the Island of Papmos and many more.   As believers, the hunger to see God in His glory is as natural as a baby desiring mile from his/her mother.   Yet, we, in our flesh, seldom think about what that means.   We, in sin, can image what the pure holiness of a sovereign God looks like.   In the above passage Ezekiel has just seen a strange vision with some kind of angels, wheels and amazing colors and crystal.   Above that vision he sees what he later writes is the "glory of God."   Then he says, "I fell on my face and heard a voice speaking."   This is what we will do for eternity.  This is what God intended for us as His created children.  We are to see His glory and then fall down and worship His glory.   God's glory isn't something we will behold and give each other high-fives over.    We won't jump up and down in glee and point fingers at His glory like a kid at an amusement park.   When we see His glory we will fall down and realize our sin and His great and awesome grace.   The next time someone in church prays, "Show us Your glory," be prepared to fall on your face.   Because if God does, you will!! 

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