Thursday, June 13, 2013

Do you have a permenant relationship with Wisdom? Proverbs 4

Proverbs 4:13 (NASBStr)
Take hold of instruction; do not let go.
Guard her, for she is your life.

What we embrace is what we value.   What we hold and secure tightly and don't want to let go we honor and worship.  When Peter, James and John were called to follow our Lord they "let go" of their boat, a boat load of fish, their former life and took hold of Him who gave life.  Later he would tell them, "I give you abundant life."   It is what we take hold of that we worship.   If there is something in your life you won't let go to worship Him than you worship it.  In the above proverb Solomon is telling us to grasp firmly and tightly and protectively the wisdom found in God's Word through the Wisdom received in Christ.  True wise instruction is about Christ (1 Corinthians 2).   He is referring to wise counsel ... the Fear of The Lord.   We are take hold of it as though it is valuable to grasp.   But, reaching out in a temporary basis is not what Solomon is referring to.  He wants us to take hold and to "not let go."   Temporary grasping is futile.   Securing wisdom is the intent.  Yet, it does not stop there.   We are to grab it; secure it; and then "guard her."   The contrast here is obvious.   Note what Solomon just told us about wisdom in verse six of this chapter:

Proverbs 4:6 (NASBStr)
“Do not forsake her, and she will guard you;
 Love her, and she will watch over you.

Note that wisdom is guarding us.  When we secure her (Him!) we are guarded.   Yet, in our proverb above we are told to guard her (Wisdom).   Wisdom makes our path in life protected.  We are to protect the securing of wisdom.  We should not allow anything come in between our reading wisdom through the Word or allow anything to influence us away from Christ.   We guard the process of acquiring wisdom and He guards us from the evilness on the path of life.   That is "how" she becomes your life.  We talk of Him in the way, in the path, in the conflict, in the reward.   Take hold, secure, guard and she will be your life.  

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