Mark 15:8-10 (NASBStr)
The crowd went up and began asking him to do as he had been accustomed to do for them. Pilate answered them, saying, “Do you want me to release for you the King of the Jews?” For he was aware that the chief priests had handed Him over because of envy.
Pilate "knew" why the Pharisees, the crowd and the other leaders of the day had joined forces to crucify Christ. It was ENVY. From the beginning of time Ego, Ignorance and Envy can be traced to the root of all conflict. Here, we have envy playing its part and feeding the other two. Note what Vine says about the word used here for Envy:
The religious leaders were envious of Jesus' fame. He was popular with the people. He was getting honor they wanted. He was being "worshipped" and although they claimed that was against God's way (to worship a mere man) they really wanted the worship from the crowds for themselves. Being desirous of praise, honor or power that has been given to someone else is evil. In all the verses quoted by Vine, above, we can see the evil at the center of it all. This is contrary to faith. Faith says that God is in charge and gives honor to whom he gives honor. Some will do anything to get praise and honor. When they are envious of other's God given honor they sin and bring evil upon themselves. Today are we standing in a place where we envy something? We want something that isn't ours? Do we desire the recognition others are getting? Are we willing to put someone to death (emotionally, positionally) in order for us to receive praise they are receiving from others?
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