Saturday, March 2, 2013

Are we prepared? Matthew 23-25

Matthew 25:5
Now while the bridegroom was delaying, they all got drowsy and began to sleep.

Jesus is telling his disciples how to be prepared for His return someday and the coming of the Kingdom.    In this particular section He is telling the story of the bridesmaids who are waiting for the coming bride.  Some have their lamps trimmed and oil ready and some don't.   The story is told in the context of a Jewish wedding.  It was custom for the groom to go away and prepare a place for the bride and Him to live (John 14:1-5).    While the groom was away building and preparing, the bride would be at home waiting.   That's what makes this verse so powerful to us.   Imagine a bride who is supposed to be waiting for her Groom and she falls asleep and is ill prepared when He arrives.   The Groom appears to be delaying and they all got drowsy and began to sleep.  Perhaps this is the state of today's church (the Bride of Christ).   Why we wait for Christ we find ourselves getting drowsy and actually sleeping.  Instead of waiting in hope and excitement with great expectation, we are lost in sleep and have failed to prepare.    It is so easy for us to get mesmerized by the things of this world and to forget the Groom is coming.   Are we not drowsy and beginning to sleep?  Perhaps we are already dreaming.   Awake or church for He is Coming!!!

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