Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Why does God resuce us? Psalm 18-20

Psalms 18:19 (NASV)
He brought me forth also into a broad place;
He rescued me, because He delighted in me.

Psalm 18 may be one of the most encouraging Psalms David wrote via the power of the Holy Spirit.   When you are in the middle of a struggle these verse can be uplifting and inspiring.   You could pick any one of the fifty verses to find a place to hang depression, remove distraction, and/or recover from disgruntle foes.  Throughout the Psalm we see God reveal Himself in Salvation and become the refuge to those who call upon Him.  But, in the above verse we wee the "why" behind the "what" God does for us.   Why does God rescue us?   Why does He intervene on our behalf?  Why does He protect us from angry friends or evil enemies.   Here we see the reason He does all this: He delights in us!!   He doesn't rescue us because we deserve it.  He doesn't call on us because we cry for it.   He rescues us because He takes delight in us.  He loves us.  He has His eye on us.   We are the "apple of His eye."  To think that the God of the universe delights in us is more than we can imagine.   We are more than His creation.  We are the pinnacle of His creation and the object of His love.   As  you go through tough times and are attacked by tough people, we can rest in the knowledge that God loves us and delights in us.  We are the object of His love in such a way He provided the Savior to redeem them.   

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