Saturday, February 9, 2013

Do we focus on the major things of life? Matthew 14-16

Matthew 15:13-14 (NASV)
But He answered and said, “ Every plant which My heavenly Father did not plant shall be uprooted. Let them alone; they are blind guides of the blind. And if a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”

In today's "politically" correct environment most people struggle with what to say or do about false teaching or false behavior.   Christ was quite "narrow minded" when He told His disciples there was only "one way" to God ... through Him (John 14:6).   We seem to forget how narrow the thought is of Christianity.  We are supposed to "inclusive" when in reality the Christian message is remarkably "exclusive".   In the above passage Jesus is responding to the Pharisees who had verbalized their complaints that the disciples of Christ did not "wash there hands" before they ate.   Remarkable!     Petty!  These religious leaders could make such an impact for God.  Yet, they focused on the minor things of life.   That is Jesus' response to them in return.  He wants them to focus on mercy and justice and humility.   To end the discussion and conclude the teaching Jesus tells them that erroneous teaching always ends up in the same place ... the hole from which it came from.   He tells His disciples to "leave them alone."   They will end up in a pit and all they lead.  Those who focus their ministry on the minor and "regulation" aspects of faith will simply end up in a hole.   Let us not make the same mistake.    We focus so much on appearance as a qualification of Christianity.   Tattoos, facial jewelry, holes in blue jeans and hair color/style are our modern day "Pharisaical Hand-Washing" concerns.   A biker in Church will often feel like an orange in a tomato cart.   Let's cease on the minor (see above) and focus on the major:  Mercy, Grace, Love, Justice, Humility.  

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