Tuesday, December 25, 2012

God uses the little things in life to shame our enemies - Esther 6-10

The minor circumstances in life can have a large impact on our lives.   We don't always see it but the little things God uses to move us and situate us in the right place at the right time is truly amazing.   God had Moses in the exact place he needed to be to see the Egyptian soldier beat one of his brothers.  He didn't respond appropriately but God used that to accomplish His task.   The band of traders that came by just as the brothers of Joseph tossed him into a pit saved his life.   In our story here in Esther is full of these minor movements orchestrated by the God of Mercy.   Just as the King decides to award Mordecai for his faithfulness to the king who "just happens to come into the royal court?" ... Haman, the arch enemy of Mordecai.   Haman didn't know why he got up so early and rushed off to the palace.   He didn't know why the traffic was light that day.  He didn't know why no one else showed up for work.   But, what he did know is that when the king wanted to run an idea past someone for insight, he was the only one there.  His head must have swelled.   His ego must have exploded.   But, in the end, he was humiliated.   In the end he had to lead the man he hated the most around the city praising him.   God is funny that way.   The next time you read a verse like this think about all the times God has had you in a place to either receive honor or shame:

Esther 6:4
So the king said, “Who is in the court?” Now Haman had just entered the outer court of the king’s palace in order to speak to the king about hanging Mordecai on the gallows which he had prepared for him.

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