Monday, November 12, 2012

Don't believe signs and wonders ... unless - Deuteronomy 13-15

A sign or wonder preformed by a prophet does not trump established principles and truths of God's Word.   Our society is so "experiential" in nature.   We look for things in "techno color" and when we see them we are easily led astray.   If something flashes we are quickly attracted to it.  Like a fish to a lure we like shinny things.   God knew that our eye-gate was an easy path to our weak minds and therefore warns us in Deuteronomy 13:1-4.    In this brief passage the writer Moses warns us that even if a prophet can do a miracle we are not to follow them if their council or teaching goes against God's Word.   He tells us that even if he can do a miracle (a sign or wonder) we are not to follow him or believe him if he tells us to follow after another god.  Signs and wonders don't negate Biblical truth.   We think that our experience is somehow more valid than God's Word, but it is not.   We need to be careful not to get caught up in our own experiences or those of another and think that God is leading in an area that He is not - contrary to His Word.   Pharaoh's magicians could duplicate some of Moses miracles (Of course they couldn't stop the miracle and could only duplicate them.   Something that didn't help them much.)   There were magicians in Paul and Peter's day as they established the new church.    God allows that.   But, true miracles, signs and wonders should support established truth.   Don't be lead astray by a miracle unless the miracle supports truth.   

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