Saturday, October 6, 2012

Is it right to skip church to help my neighbor? Acts 3-4

Acts 3:1-2
1 Now Peter and John were going up to the temple at the ninth hour, the hour of prayer. And a man who had been lame from his mother’s womb was being carried along, whom they used to set down every day at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, in order to beg alms of those who were entering the temple.

Peter and John are on their way to worship. Prayer is going to be a grave essential in that worship. But, in this passage we have a great lesson for us.  On their way to worship they "notice" a man who is being "carried along."  They could have continued on their path and used the excuses that they were going to "pray" instead of stopping to "serve" God through healing this man. But, they don't.   They don't use worship as an excuse to stop service.  They use service as an additional expression of their worship. As far as we know they never got to the temple to worship and pray.  Because they were sensitive to an opportunity to use Jesus Name for good they moved into another direction.   They were so locked in to their "drive to attend church" as they were their "desire to worship and serve God."  We get so caught up in our "Form" of worship that we fail to recognized opportunities that become the "Function" of worship.   Years ago I lived close enough to church to walk.  As I did so I walked right past my neighbor who had sewer line problems and was out desperately digging a trench, by himself, with a lone shovel.   I continued on my walk to church ... I had to lead the youth group in worship.   He eventually finished his job and all was well.  He never expected me to stop; he wouldn't think that I would.   Maybe that's the issue.   I missed an opportunity to worship God through reaching out to the lost in a time of need.   Let's not be so quick to worship and forget the weightier matters like mercy and justice and humility.   

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