Wednesday, August 29, 2012

He knows your FRAME - Psalm 102-104

Psalms 103:14
For He Himself knows our frame;
He is mindful that we are but dust.

Think about the above verse for a moment.  God knows our frame!  He knows we are but dust!  Part of the problem we often have with others is that they seldom rise up to the level of expectation we have for them.  We expect so much from others.  We expect them to be always kind, to be ever true, to demonstrate great character in all situations (while we ourselves fail in those very areas).   When they don't reach the bar of competency we have set for them we reject them, abandon them, and/or abuse and criticize them.   We seldom take into account their "frame".  We never consider they were formed from the "dirt" of the earth.   But, our Creator is not like us.  He knows our frame.  He is very mindful that He created us out of the "dust of the earth" prior to our becoming a living soul.   God knows us and knows we will do dirty things since we hail from dirt.   Perhaps that is the one thing the evolutionist have right.  We are from the dirt of the ground ... but, not by evolving, but by a Creator who knows us.  Because God knows us He knows we need a Redeemer and that is why He sent His son.  Because God knows us He knows we need guidance and that is why He gave us the Spirit.   Because God knows us He knows we need instruction and that is why He gave us the Word of God.   God knows us and has given us everything we need to continue to serve Him and Worship Him.   There is a bad side, of course, to His knowing our frame.  He knows our thoughts, our actions, our motives, our darkest moments.   To those who wish to hide from Him and reject the afore mentioned gifts, that can be a scary thought.   Absent a Redeemer, Guide, and Instruction Book, His knowing our frame is like light shined on a roach invested kitchen ... everyone is running for cover.   But, the true believer can take solace in the fact that God knows our frame and provides for us what that frame needs.  

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