Monday, July 9, 2012

Would you take your sick child to your pastor for medical advice? Leviticust 13-15

When God calls us for service He equips us for that service.  Observe: In chapter 13 of Leviticus we are given the procedures for those who develop  leprosy from a skin problem.   This alone shows us God's love and concern for the physical welfare of His children. Today, when we develop a skin condition, we have specialist that we are referred to. We might start with our general practice doctor but eventually, depending on the seriousness of the issue, we will end up with a specialist.  This specialist has spent years studying this particular field of medicine and sees countless cases like ours. Imagine the million people or so coming out of Egypt by God's deliverance and contracting a cold, the flu, a broken leg, a serious fever, or, a rash on their skin.   Who do they turn to?  Moses?   This is an incredible story of God's grace in these chapters.  God called the tribe of Levite to be the priests for the nation.   However, would you take your red rash on your skin to your priest?  Would you ask your pastor what to do with a fever?   Here we see what happens when God calls a man to serve for Him and to serve His people.  God doesn't leave them untrained. God, in this chapter, is giving the priest a lesson in medicine.   The reason we find these chapters hard to read is because we have no practical call for its use.  But, the Levite did.  He would eventually have someone outside his tent with this condition.  This was his manual on how to deal with a very dangerous disease within their camp.  God equipped them with the knowledge to deal with it.   God provides knowledge and wisdom when and how we need it.  It should be noted that this also called for them to "learn" the information.   They weren't endowed with some special "zapping" of their frontal lobe.  No, they had to study the material. They had to apply the brain God gave them to learn the procedures.   We sometimes think that ministers of God are "given" special tools to do their job.  They are not.  They must study like others. Paul told young Timothy to "study" to show himself worthy of his ministry.   Those called to service might have a special call but they still have to study like others. Here we see the Levites having to learn. Don't take your Christianity lightly.  You are responsible to learn and to study. We are all called to do that.

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